We’re excited to announce that we’ll soon have a new Dynamics 365 documentation site on docs.microsoft.com, which you’ll be able to find at docs.microsoft.com/dynamics365. This site provides a one-stop shop for Microsoft documentation. For example, in addition to Dynamics 365 documentation, you can find content on Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio.  

When the new Dynamics 365 site is launched on July 1, it will provide an intuitive way to drill down to just the Dynamics 365 content you need, whether you’re just getting started, ready to learn about a specific enterprise or business application (targeted at small-to-medium-sized businesses), or a specific add-in solution or app that you can use together with Dynamics 365. 

If you’re a customizer or developer, there’s a single page that describes everything you can do with the Dynamics 365 platform.  

Search is scoped to the page you’re on, which makes it easier to find the specific content you’re looking for. 

All content for the next release of Dynamics 365 will be on docs.microsoft.com/dynamics365. You’ll be able to go to a single site to find the content you need, reorganized to make it accessible for your role, whether you’re an end user, admin, customizer, or developer.  

As part of this effort, we’re moving current content from our Help & Training sites on Microsoft.com. We have already migrated content for Microsoft Social Engagement, Portals, Gamification, and Voice of the Customer surveys. You can find this content now on our current docs.microsoft.com/Dynamics365 site. We expect to complete the overall publishing and migration effort by the end of the 2017 calendar year.  

Product documentation for Dynamics CRM 2016 and earlier versions, and Dynamics Marketing product documentation will remain on TechNet and MSDN

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