A proposal to add a new functionality: Verification of an active VAT payer

The standard of the system MS365 our client don’t have a solution for automatic verification of an active VAT payer.

From the beginning of 2017, regulations came into force obliging entrepreneurs to check whether their contractors are active VAT payers.

Legal regulation in Poland:"Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o podatku od towarów i usług oraz niektórych innych ustaw". The VAT Act (tzw. "biała lista") introduced joint and several liability with all its assets together with a supplier of goods or a service provider registered for VAT purposes as an active VAT payer for his tax arrears


The situation is problematic when the entrepreneur sends JPK, while every month he carries out hundreds or thousands of transactions with his contractors. With this number, it will take a lot of valuable time to verify each contractor manually i impossible.

The solution may be to automate the verification process.

Proposition is to create additional functionality for automatic:

1. verification of an active VAT payer (e.g. JPK VDEK generation, verification of the contractor based on the NIP number and marking the taxpayer's status by the status of whether he is an active VAT payer whit cartotecks Customers/Vendors)

2. verification of the correctness of bank account numbers to which transfers for customer liabilities are made (e.g. in the payment sheet).

This functionality can be built by downloading data on the contractor's status from the Ministry of Finance, which will save the data with the status (active / passive) and will allow you to generate a report on the contractor's status per each document.

Category: General