1. Account payable << all vendors.
2. Activate the trading relationship.
3. Sales value mapping.
4. Accounts receivable << All Sales orders.
Create the mode of delivery in usmf company.
6. Taken the standard item: T0012
. Select the first line, on the line details delivery type: Direct delivery.
8. Delivery type: Direct delivery and manage<< intercompany sale sorder.
9. Change the site:6 and warehouse:63.

10. Reserve the quantity for the first line.

11. Reserve the quantity second line.

12. Release to warehouse.

13. Load details.
14. Click on the original sales order.
15. Add the address on the customer accounts.

6. Update all lines and click ok.

17. Received an error message: more than one order lines is part of the same shipment or load shipment address cannot be updated.

Actual Results: When we update the customer address on original sales order, we have received an error message: more than one order lines is part of the same shipment or load shipment address cannot be updated.
Expected Results: Customer address should be updated without any errors.
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