After filtering the columns in the production floor execution interface and saving it as a view, the filtered value disappears upon leaving or refreshing the form.

Despite being previously identified as a By-Design issue (857459), clients who are unable to filter and sort their jobs by highest/lowest priority may experience difficulty in managing their workload due to the high volume of jobs being created and worked on in parallel, potentially resulting in excessive scrolling.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


Johan Hoffmann 





This is very much needed on the PFE Co-products Report Progress Form. Operators need additional information in order to correctly identify the product to report on (eg: grading characteristics). The ability to add fields to the form via standard personalization is available, but not able to save like you can on the PFE Jobs Form.

Category: Production Control


This will be essential to the successful adoption of PFE by end users during/after implementation, as without filters the amount of works orders displayed is unmanageable and overwhelming

Category: Production Control


This is a really important form for many manufacturing businesses and the ability to save views is key to using this form efficiently. Good suggestion!!!

Category: Production Control


The ability to save a filter with a view is a general system requirement for all screens.

Category: Production Control


Important to filter on released production orders where no open or in progress WHS work lines exist.

Category: Production Control