Issue detailed description: Users reported that when a user opens a link from email and from the case timeline, it opens on top of the CRM. This appears to be same behaviour in Edge and Chrome. In the old look the link is opened in another tab, but in new look the issue occurs everytime.

How many users impacted? All users

Business impact level? Medium

Share the steps for reproducing the issue: 

1. Navigate to Activities, open an email which contains a link.

2. Press the link and the link opens in another tab. This works correctly.

3. Navigate to Cases and open the case record, the timeline contains a message that contains links. Expand the message in the timeline and press the link from the timeline. The link opens on top of the CRM. This has changed and not working correctly

4. Open an email from the timeline, so it appears on an own tab. Then press the link and the link will open on the another tab. This works correctly.

Note- Issue is both in both New look and old look. Tested the issue in vanilla and experiencing the same behaviour.

Category: Timeline