In Business Central, when an item is managed with a lot number and expiration date, it is not possible to have, for the same lot number, different expiration date.
In industrial context, it is a real need.
Several examples :
- In food manufacturing, when a single production order lasts more than 1 day, the lot number of the end product remains the same but the expiration date will depend on the production date.
- For some items, like wine corks, a supplier is allowed to extend the expiration date of a lot number. In that case, it means that a part if the inventory of this item must have the initial expiration date, but the another part of this lot number will have another expiration date.

It will be a very usefull enhancement to allow this fonctionality in Business Central, by adding an option in the item tracking card to allow or not a multiple expiration date for the same lot number.
Category: Inventory
Needs Votes



The value of this would be in a scenario where production occurs on 1 day (1 Lot) but is packaged over the next few days.
For some products the expiration date is calculated based on the day it was packaged not produced.
Therefore same production lots could have multiple expiration dates.

Category: Inventory


This requirements makes no sense as it would absolutely break item tracing functionality and the ability to adhere to food safety requirements. A lot should always be sub-lotted/separated if there's a separate expiry date. There are also vendor lot numbers for a reason.

Category: Inventory


Agree with Kevin. If you have to track back a given lot that was previously sent, what will your expiration date be? I think expiration date is in the nature of the lot. Thus, if you split the lot with different expiration dates, you should have two different lots to properly track these.

Category: Inventory


I would argue that you should have a new lot for the second day or use the original expiration.
Multiple expirations on a lot doesn't make sense for the definition of a lot from everything I have ever seen. I understand what you are saying but I don't agree with the approach.

Category: Inventory