D365 should support all danish regulation, we are however missing a reporting feature: the danish version of PRODCOM or "Industriens salg af varer" The regulatory reporting requirement is mandatory for all manufacturing with more than 10 employees. It is reported to the danish statistics authority, "Danmarks Statistik". The following must be reported: Commodity code Value (sales price ex. tax, total amount in DKK) Quantity (the qty. stated with the commodity code) As addition to the items total revenue and additional revenue split on installation work, repair work, contract work, revenue on basic trading and other revenue. (I guess this part is hard to automate).

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.



Adam Trukawka

PM, Microsoft



Information site: https://www.dst.dk/da/Indberet/oplysningssider/industri_varer

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features


File example: https://www.dst.dk/ext/indberetning/vs_excelline_fil--xlsx

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features


Guide (in danish): https://www.dst.dk/ext/konjstat/vs_kvikguide--pdf

Category: Globalization - Regulatory features