Dear Team,

I found different shortcut key for dimensions in BC365, somewhere Ctrl + Shift + D and somewhere Alt + D used. As per BC 365 shortcut cut keys it will be Alt + D. Please correct the Dimension shortcut key for dimensions.
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Hi Ravinder,

We changed the Dimensions shortcut to Alt+D on all pages where possible. There were a few pages where we couldn't do it because the shortcut was taken.
Can you be specific as to where you found the CTRL+SHIFT+D shortcut?. Then I will investigate. 

Brian Nielsen,



Dear Team

We are facing a lot of challenges in posting sales return and sales credit memo due to "IsHandled" is not declared with reference in the events. Please declare "IsHandled" variable under references in codeunit 18435 "Reference Invoice No. Mgt.".

For your References only.

Orignal code in BC365:

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]

local procedure OnBeforeCheckRefInvNoPurchHeader(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; IsHandled: Boolean)

Please correct the the code like in events.

[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]

local procedure OnBeforeCheckRefInvNoPurchHeader(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Category: General


Dear Team,

Please do the needful.

  1. Change Dimension Action short key from CTRL+SHIFT+D to ALT+D in Page 18322 "Pay GST".
  2. Change Option field "Status" to Enum in Service Contract Header Table with extensible true.
  3. Provide fields "OnValidate" trigger handling events in Service Contract Header Table.
  4. Make Enum "GST Reason Type" extensible true.

Ravinder Kumar

Team Computers (P) Ltd.

Category: General