With reference to LCS Issue827545:

When the Expiration date of a Purchase agreement, classified for Direct Invoicing is in the past, then no link is made between the invoice line and purchase agreement. **VendInvoiceInfoLine.AgreementLine_PSN is empty in the VendorInvoiceInfoLine table. 

There are many business case scenarios, where invoices would arrive after the purchase agreement expiration date, that relate to the services or goods from the specific purchase agreement. There is a need to link the purchase agreement as such to ensure that fulfillment is adequately established.

The current behavior is creating not only confusion amongst users since it is possible to select the purchase agreement in the lookup although the expiration agreement date is set in the past, however also incorrect reporting also.

 Additionally, users processing the invoices would not have access to the data, as such to understand, that the purchase agreement is expired, and no link has been made to the agreement.

With a change of the current logic, many customer business processes would greatly benefit from avoiding: incorrect reporting, user confusion, and time loss as such to identify the reasoning, during daily activity. 

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