Add a new boolean Obsolete property to Procedure properties and default it to False.
If set to True, display additional Procedure properties, Severity Level and Obsolete Message.

Severity Level would be an Option property allowing either Warning or Error and would default to Warning.

If Severity Level was set to Warning then the Obsolete Message would be enabled and optional.
If Severity Level was set to Warning then a compiler warning would be displayed when compile was attempted.

If Severity Level was set to Error then the Obsolete Message would be enabled and required.
If Severity Level was set to Error then a compiler error would be generated when a compile was attempted.
Category: Development
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Business Central 2020 Wave 1 added support for obsoleting methods.

While not following the suggested design completely, but instead aligned with existing obsolete handling, we feel this new support fulfils request and thus resolve idea it as complete.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



Obsoleting Procedures is a must have.

Currently only whole Codeunits can be deprecated :(

Category: Development