More and more clients are asking to purge or at least anonymize sensitive data to be able to meet the GDPR policy.
Some example of requirements :
- delete or scramble former employee information
- delete or scramble contact and customer information (name, email, phone number, address...)
- ...

It would be very usefull to have a framework out of the box to do such operations.
Needs Votes



To specify more on the D365 Human resources side: In order to comply with EU law (i.e. the EU General Data Protection Regulation), all organizations located in the EU or those transferring data to the EU, must comply with the following data protection principles like data minimization, purpose limitation, storage limitation.

Furthermore, data subjects have the right to request deletion of their data.

o   To comply with these requests, an HR user should be able to define certain rules for deletion of personal data, such as deletion after a no. of months/years, deletion of individual data on demand.

o   Furthermore HR users should be able to configure rules for data retention on shared organizational level and on the level of each legal entity.

Category: System administration