All system generated workflow notifications should be configurable and be able to be activated and inactivated with parameters in System Administration.

In most implementations clients like to tailor the workflow notifications that are created when actions occur (i.e. reject, approve, reassign, etc.) in the workflow configuration.  This is done to provide the users who are receiving the notifications - both in the client and via email - with details regarding the item (i.e. PO #, Project ID, Journal batch, etc.).

Unfortunately, the system also creates generic emails in some instances.  An example of this is when an item is rejected.  Consequently, the workflow originator (user who submitted) receives two notifications - the first is the message configured in the workflow and the second is: "The current record has been returned to you, or you have been asked to make a change.  Perform any required actions and choose resubmit to resume processing."

This causes frustration for users as they can become overwhelmed with D365 notifications and emails.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

The ability to avoid double email notifications is being tracked as deliverable 161170.



Yes please allow us to disable the automatic rejection and change workflow notifications. It is very confusing for users to get two emails. The out of the box email does not contain enough information and we cannot customize it so we have to configure the standard notifications which now presents two emails to the user.

Category: System administration


I agree. There is as i can see absolutly no arguement for this auto notification. It can all be controlled by setting it up already. There for it must be a fault i the programming or for that matter the design. I too would like to see what business purpose there could be for this auto generated notification.

Category: System administration


I understand Microsoft's position that duplicate workflow notifications for reject events in FinOps is by design , but can anyone share the rationale behind this design?  Does this design have a valid business purpose or is it simply a flawed design? 

Category: System administration


I agree

Category: System administration


I agree.

Category: System administration


! agree.

Category: System administration


I am also in agreement. This should be configurable or better yet, the system should just recognize that a notification has already been sent.

Category: System administration


I Agree

Category: System administration


I agree that this is behavior is a bit excessive and you would want the ability to enable or disable the automated messages.

Category: System administration


This is the exact issue we're seeing. I reported this to Microsoft, and they told me to post an idea here after telling me that this behavior can't be changed and is by design. So I'm upvoting this idea rather than create a duplicate.

Category: System administration