Customers need to prepare JPK_V7M correction and add explanation under field: P_ORDZU. Right now, the information in this filed is cut after 60 signs, on the report configuration max length is set to 240, according to official schema it can take up to 3500 signs.
This has been raised to Microsoft under ID 575553 but due to complexity and other country-specific features that are running on EM it has been rejected to fix.
Link to LCS: https://fix.lcs.dynamics.com/Issue/Details?bugId=575553&dbType=3&qc=b5088ea29fa60ba5437f31b19a6b0ab48d33aa24b872e018ffcfad7c31b555ba
This has been raised to Microsoft under ID 575553 but due to complexity and other country-specific features that are running on EM it has been rejected to fix.
Link to LCS: https://fix.lcs.dynamics.com/Issue/Details?bugId=575553&dbType=3&qc=b5088ea29fa60ba5437f31b19a6b0ab48d33aa24b872e018ffcfad7c31b555ba
Elizaveta Golub (administrator) on 7/17/2023 8:53:12 AM
This idea is accepted by Microsoft and released in 10.0.36.
Find details in related KB article: Details for issue 824782 (dynamics.com)
and updated feature documentation: VAT declaration with registers (JPK-V7, VDEK) - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
Elizaveta Golub
PM, Microsoft