Scan LP1
If LP1 is not sufficient, the worker has to scan another LP, but that LP2 is dissolved into target LP1.
Theoretically it is possible to avoid this by
scanning LP1,
pressing Full (which creates a closed work for LP1)
enter the qty on the LP just picked, and
continuing with the remainder on the original work.
This process is so error-prone that I fail about half of the times.
When the LPs have a fixed qty, it is possible to maximize the work template to 1 LP. But with varying qty per LP this is not possible.
6 and half years later, and still a very much needed idea! Would be a great addition.
Category: Warehouse Management
Would be a very useful tool. I have been part of projects where we have made a customization and projects where we accepted to use the "full" standard process.
Category: Warehouse Management
I have seen this needed in virtually all implementations. And customers are shocked when I explain it is not as standard. I really needs to be released as a standard feature ASAP as it is so in need.
Category: Warehouse Management
This is a much needed piece of functionality.
Often customer wants to keep the existing licence plates when picking full pallets, there isn't a great process for this even if the the work is on different locations. You can work break by location but that doesn't work if there is any variation in pallet size.
Would be great if this could be enabled by location on the location profile and in combination with a setting on the menu item (single LP picking). If it is a location enabled for this then the existing "full" action gets automatically processed after license plate pick.
If this is implemented please make it available for all work types (sales picking, transfer order picking, Raw material picking, Replenishment)
Category: Warehouse Management
Would be of great value! where a standard LP unit conversion is lacking / not possible
Category: Warehouse Management
It is a must have
Category: Warehouse Management
As one of the largest manufactoring and distributor of pelagic fish, the suggested solution will be to great help for our logistic department.
Category: Warehouse Management
Note in Replenishment scenarios, it might be possible to get the desired behaviour by using Round up to Full LP on the Location directive action. However, this can only be used for replenishment work.
I have seen a Sales picking scenario where this would be useful:
The items (powders) are stocked in Kgs, in large containers. Each container is an LP and each LP can contain a different quantity (weight) of powder. The worker would like to pick single LPs from a location which can contain multiple LPs of the same item. It is only possible to do this now by using the Full function.
Category: Warehouse Management
THis is very often the case in proces industries - where the pallet size varies per delivery, and causes many issues as of now. I voted this up. Br. Henrik
Category: Warehouse Management
Pls refer to yammer. Birger Larsen wrote a design.
Category: Warehouse Management