Current situation:

You do have Dynamics 365 for Outlook lightweight installed on your Outlook.

You received an e-mail from one of your CRM contacts.

You want to create a case for this contact.

The form auto-resolve the "Contact" filed based on the sender email address which is in this case a Contact. Please note that Contact field is not mandatory for case creation.

The "Customer" field is mandatory and you need to lookup for  CRM record (Contact or Account) to associate this with, it requires a parent record of the "Contact" field, hence an Account. Many customers do not use Account entity. and thus cannot create the case unless they do the following:

Empty the auto-resolved Contact field, go to the Customer field and lookup for the same CRM contact. Then in this case you may create the case.

This current situation is not practical for business based on customer service and to create cases all the time.

I tried so many things to remove the contact filed from the case form since it is not Business neither system required or recommended, however this field cannot be removed from the field because there is a padlock on it even thought it is not a required field. Today's Microsoft answer said, it is a read-only field.

I tried to disable the automatic resolution of the contact field but still did not help, it always automatically resolved base on the sender of the email.

This is not good at all.


We need the tool to give the possibility to the end user to select whether they need to use the auto resolution or not for the contact field, like for example a check box where you enable the CRM for Outlook lightweight plug in. In this case if the customer disabled the auto resolution from the contact form then they will be able to directly lookup for the contact in the Customer field and this way they will save so many steps of the work around and manually emptying the contact field.

Thank you.

Category: Email
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the suggestion. We are not investing in any new features for the Dynamics 365 app for Outlook. All our future investments will be in building Viva Sales and the future of M365 integration.

Please evaluate Viva Sales and the Microsoft 365 collaboration integration and open new feedback items against those applications accordingly.



Product Manager,
