Value in field Method of payment on Pending vendor invoice is deleted after linking Purchase agreement that has empty value for Method of payment field (value in invoice is overridden with empty value from related agreement).
Installed product version : 10.0.36 (10.0.1695.39)
Installed platform version : Update60 (7.0.7036.51)
Repro steps
Installed product version : 10.0.36 (10.0.1695.39)
Installed platform version : Update60 (7.0.7036.51)
Issue description
Value in field Method of payment on Pending vendor invoice is deleted after linking Purchase agreement that has empty value for Method of payment field (value in invoice is overridden with empty value from related agreement).
Steps to reproduce
1. Go to Accounts payable > Purchase orders > Purchase agreements.
2. Click New.
3. In the Vendor account field, enter or select a value (vendor 1001).
4. In the Purchase agreement classification field, enter or select a value for Direct invoicing
5. In the Effective date field, enter a date.
6. In the Expiration date field, enter a date.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Add line.
9. In the Procurement category field, enter or select a value.
11. Click OK.
12. In the Net amount field, enter a number.
13. Click Save.
14. Click the Header tab.
15. Check the Method of payment field à should be empty!
16. Click Confirmation.
17. Click OK.
18. Close the page.
19. Go to Accounts payable > Invoices > Pending vendor invoices.
20. Click New.
21. In the Invoice account field, enter or select a value (same vendor as in step 3).
22. In the Number field, type a value.
23. In the Invoice date field, enter a date.
24. In the Date of vendor VAT register field, enter a date.
25. In the Date of VAT register field, enter a date.
26. Click Save.
27. Click the Header tab.
28. In the Method of payment field, select a value à it shoud not be empty
29. Click the Lines tab.
30. In the Purchase agreement field, select a value à agreement, created in steps 1-18.
31. Click Save.
32. Click the Header tab.
33. Check the Method of payment field à it is empty
Business impact: . Users checking the method of payment and selecting it every time would mean additional validations and manual work which represents increased workload for users and that is simply unacceptable for them.
Actual behavior: empty value from related purchase agreement was transferred to pending vendor invoice upon linking the agreement to invoice and deleting the value that was already there!
Expected behavior: empty value from purchase agreement should not override the already existing value from vendor invoice – especially since vendor invoice is the primary document for Method od payment information