include the functionality to schedule how many mails per campaign are allowed to be sent every minute/hour/week/.. in order to balance the number of outgoing emails and to be able to halt any campaign in case of an error that slipped through the testing process. 2 main reasons for this demand: 1) Being able to halt a running campaign in case any unforeseen problems are observed. Imagine you started to send out a campaign to 20000 users and after 30 min some customers start to call that they received the email in the wrong language. At that point we can still halt the campaign. In the scenario we at least know that we limited the risk as only 1250 customers received a potential error but 18750 customers did not. 2) load balancing the backoffice/marketing dep/.. Imagine we ask a segment of 20000 customers to update their identity details. For sure no matter how detailed the manual some customers will call the contact center. By spreading this message to the 20000 customers over a period of 2 weeks (or even months), the number of calls to the contact center will also be spread out. I know that this scenario also has other solutions such as a split of segments into multiple customer journeys. In our actual case we send out event invites to a large customer base with limited backoffice resources. Our integrator gave us a quote on a custom solution in which a batch intermediate segment is created that sends the contacts to the actual segment linked to the customer journey. But as this feature is available in many massmailing tools, I was surprised not to find it in dynamics for marketing. Hence the question just to be clear: the rationale for this request is not any concerns for spamfilters/settings/.. We know the tool can deal with this.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. This has now been added to our backlog and will confirm release date when we pick it up. The first version will focus on capping the messages per day/week/month etc (Frequency capping). The second version of that feature will include throttling to spread out the volumes, and may come at a later date than the first. 



Product Manager for D365 Marketing, Microsoft



Hi Tereza,Any news regarding when this feature would be released for Public Preview? I could not find any information in the release notes from the last two waves or the upcoming wave release.Any updates would be much appreciated. We have many customers very interested in this feature.Thank you.

Category: Customer Journey Design


The current Dynamics 365 marketing features delivers minimal functionality in cases where companies need outbound marketing emails to be distributed to contacts across a specified period.

The auto scheduler for customer journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing selects the best time to email contacts based on their historical data. Yet, the functionality is dependent on historical data for each contact to ensure email delivery optimization. In many cases, such historical data does not exist for contact records as the contact may be a newly added entry. For instance, companies can utilize customer journeys to manage “welcome programs” for new members or stakeholders.

Similarly, the “waiting tiles” in customer journeys do not ensure that email delivery times are dispersed, as multiple contacts are sent through the journey simultaneously. The result is that large bulks of emails are sent out simultaneously, which increases pressure on the system and related networks.

Therefore, a need exists for functionality that ensures that email deliveries in customer journeys can be more closely managed and dispersed. It should allow Dynamics Marketing users to spread large bulk send outs within customer journeys in cases where historical data is lacking.

Category: Customer Journey Design


Currently all emails in the journey are triggered on start of the journey if there are members on the segment already.Can we add a tile that can stagger or drip emails in numbers per hour or over a certain amount of time so that email is released slowly in increments rather than all at once?e.g. trigger journey to 500 contacts per hour You can use the split function, but this means you need to duplicate the journey on each new path and this creates very complicated and messy journeys. And it doesn't work well with journeys with many swimlanes.

Category: Customer Journey Design


I would like to add to this requirement around halting a running campaign.This should be at Campaign level and contact level.This is because as a business we may want to pause a customer in the middle of journey and then resume at later date.Maybe this could work like a supression list. We configure a segment to define when a customer will pause. Once that criteria is no longer satisfied a customer can resume.

Category: Customer Journey Design


Thanks for your question. We are planning on releasing as part of Public Preview in October 2022. We will be releasing updated release plans with further details in coming weeks and you will be able to check it here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365-release-plan/2022wave2/marketing/dynamics365-marketing/planned-features Kind regards, Tereza Kirk Product Manager for D365 Marketing, Microsoft

Category: Customer Journey Design


This is @planned for wave 2. Please could you update or point at some more specific detail on the functionality that will be available with Wave 2 ?

Category: Customer Journey Design