Currently, you can open "G/L Budget Entries" and do "Edit in Excel", which works and can update existing records. For example, if you want to fix the value in "Description", Amount, or date fields /columns.
However, the new row/record/entry is not working, and error is showing "Read only"
It should be better documented that adding a new G/L Budget entry is not supported using Excel.
This feature request / idea is about providing that option.
The benefits of using Excel for Budgets, based on entries, instead based on Budget Matrix with existing Import/Export functions are:
* Easier to copy paste entries, over periods, dates
* Easier to change dimensions on multiple entries
* Easier to change dates
* Easier to import budget description field.
This. Very much this!Am currently doing Budget process for my new company, and I actually thought you could already do this. Being able to do it the same way we edit 'Journals' would make budget proces so incredibly easy! Especially when including dimensions.
Category: Financial Management