Idea: Please fix issues regarding number sequences periodically not being incremented.

Response from MS Rep was as follows and I'd like to propose they fix this issue so that number sequences work properly with custom views.


I see a bug which is similar to this issue. This is the solution that has been provided by the product team, so can you please check this can work.

When creating a custom view there is the opportunity, however rare, that a number sequence will be reused EVEN IF continuous numbering is turned off. MS Support reps have noted the following as a resolution.

The two options are:

  1. Option 1
  2. Do NOT use saved views. Saved views is the root cause of this issue. Disabling Saved views can be accomplished in two ways:
  3. Have all users, for all financial journals, return to the Standard view and make that the default. 
  4. Or….completely turn off the Saved views feature in feature management. This is only be to ensure that no users return back to their custom view and then trigger the issue again.
  5. Option 2
  6. Change the number sequence to not use continuous numbers. We know for some customers this isn’t an option but this is another temporary solution.

IMPORTANT:  Note that returning to the standard view or turning off Saved views will NOT fix existing journals that already have a duplicate number. The customer will to do the following:

  1. If the journal can be recreated, follow the same instructions given on these tickets to copy the journal, create another journal and post it AFTER the previous steps have been done (turn off saved views or continuous number sequences).
  2. If the journal is large, export the journal to Excel so the user won't have to manually reenter the transactions. This will also eliminate human error when manually recreating the journal. 
  3. Confirm the ‘Status list’ form is empty for number sequence(s) used by the journals. You can find the number sequence used for each journal by going to the Journal name setup. 
  4. Create a new journal and manually reenter the vouchers or import the data from step 1. If importing, make sure the voucher numbers are NOT the same as in the original journal because those are duplicate numbers. Post the journal. 
  5. After posting the journal successfully in step 3, delete the original journal. 

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