When completing a Bank Account Reconciliation, it should be possible to use the "Transfer to General Journal" function and then subsequently add a "Deferral Code" to selected Journal Lines without receiving the following error:
If requesting support, please provide the following details to help troubleshooting:
Error message:
Journal Source Code BANKREC is not same as default Source Code set for Gen. Journal Template with type General. Deferrals can only be used when the journal line has the same source code as the source code defined for the journal in source code Setup. Please update this Gen. Journal Template or change the setup in Source Code Setup.
Internal session ID:
Application Insights session ID:
Client activity id:
Time stamp on error:
User telemetry id:
AL call stack:
"Deferral Utilities"(CodeUnit 1720).CheckDeferralConditionForGenJournal line 53 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Gen. Journal Line"(Table 81)."Deferral Code - OnValidate"(Trigger) line 19 - Base Application by Microsoft
Custom dimensions:
This was raised with Microsoft via a Support ticket, who advised that this is "by design" and that I would have to amend the Source Code Setup for General Journals to match to that of the Bank Reconciliation in order for this to be allowed.
I don't personally believe this is correct as then either:
- All General Journals would be marked with Source Code "Bank Rec" when actually they might have been created manually or
- I would have to have 2 General Journal Templates in existence in order for this to work
In addition, I will add that we have been using this functionality internally for 2+ years without issue, until we applied the update to version 24.