Currently the override location function does not split work up to what is available at the location that you would like to pick from. It will only override if the location contains the exact qty you are picking. This is very apparent when using the Maximum functionality on the work template and the quantities for packaging are not the same i.e one product may have 54 OCTN's on a pallet and another may have 86 OCTN's. To round this out you would put 1 Pallet, which then generates work for 1 Pallet if a location has the sufficient quantit, on Location Override, you may want to pick some part pallets of the products first to consume stock however it will not work and you would need to do a series of short picks or using the Full LP functionaility.

Please add a recalculation of work to split out the quantity picking from a location and generate another pick line with location directives for the next stock available in Location Overrides.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. 


Per Lynnerup

PM, Microsoft