With BC there where the new fields "Purchasing Blocked" and "Sales Blocked" introduced in table 27 Item. It would be nice if we could create return documents without changing the flags in Item.

Category: General
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in May 2019 Update of Business Central.

Please refer to the following link for more information:

Ivan Koletic
PM, Microsoft



This is a good functionality that I foresee will benefit many customers. But I would like to add the funtionality of allowing posting of items with this settings if shipment or receipt has already been made. This could be a setting in the sales & recievables and Purchase & payables setups since there could be a difference between the flows. As it is, it works exactly like "blocked" except that it is split in two. If implemented, it would help control item visibility on a web shop too. However, if item is already shipped (and warehouse therefore empty), it should still be possible to invoice it!

Category: General