Booking Tooltips view is differently displayed (hover by mouse over reservation) within the schedule board hourly view setting vs daily and weekly views setting.
The Idea is to allow to set up the same booking tooltips for hourly, daily, weekly scheduling calendar view.
Ideas Administrator

The booking tooltip in the new schedule board has been updated to be the same display for all calendar views hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly.  Additionally, when you customize the booking tooltip it will change across all calendar views. 

Thanks for the feedback! 



Has this been implemented? Doesn't seem to be working or referenced anywhere in docs?

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


Please can you share how do we set up the schedule board so that the tooltip view is the same in all views?

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


This Is really crucial for every Customer who works with long Term Engagements - so they only use the Weekly View.

I understand that the Booking Templyte is a potential performance Issue, but the Pop-up and Detail only shows one Record when you hoover over or click on it.

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling