From simple "Sales Agreement" to "Contract" with New Pricing Management module.


Hi, a lot of customers need to be able to send non-effective contracts to their customer for acceptation and they will activate them when the customer give his agreeement.


The point is I'm not talking about standard D365 Sales Agreement but a "complete" contract with an Identifier ID that should mention :


  • Sales agreement lines and conditions if there are any.
  • All the New Pricing module components with a link with the "ContractId".
  • Based prices
  • Trade agreements prices with or without attributes
  • Marging adjustments
  • New Price module discounts
  • Rebates


The idea is to link all of these items to a "ContractId" as an extension of Sales agreements.

Logically, components should inherit the validity dates from their contract, in their "Starting date" Ending date.


When the Contract status will be put in "effective" it will automatically update the status of all contract components linked and best of all we should be able to edit a contract document containing all the contract pricing elements on a ".docx" which lists the Customer & Adresse and one paragraph by component stating prices, marging adjustments, discounts and rebates in readable language.

From the "Contract" Screen we should be able to see all the components linked and to preview the document before printing/sending it by mail or other way.


At the end, when the contract will be put in "Non effective" or "Finished" status all the linked components should receive the same status.
