Frequently there are issues with scanning the QR Code or Object anchors, such that the anchor is detected but the detection is dislocated when subsequently running the Guide. Nothing has moved, but the detected anchor is far from the originally detected location, and all associated assets likewise incorrectly placed. This happens with both QR Codes and Object anchors. See sample: https://youtu.be/UNW0fCjbbl8

My idea is to allow the user to manually adjust the anchor location/orientation to override or update the position of the anchor. This would allow for better post-detection performance, as well as accommodate scenarios when detection is not easily achievable (tight space constraints for example, with Object anchors specifically).

Category: General



I like your idea and it would be great to have a fallback option to use a holographic anchor in the case where the positioning has been thrown off by reflections or foreign objects.(in my case, walking around the object but obstructed by a concrete column).

Category: General