Financial Management Dynamics 365 Business Central Financial Management - Wrong GST Base Amount Calculation on Detailed GST Ledger Entry in case of GST Amount on Sales Invoice/Order
Wrong GST Base Amount Calculation on Detailed GST Ledger Entry in case of GST Amount on Sales Invoice/Order
We have observed that whenever the GST Amount is being given on Sales Invoice/Order, the GST Base Amount on the "Detailed GST Ledger Entry" Table is not being calculated correctly. The Entries are being posted correctly but the GST Base Amount on the Table is incorrect.
This is resulting in incorrect information on a lot of reports based on the "Detailed GST Ledger Entry" table. Also in Invoice Printing the GST amount is not displaying/generating at the same time the wordings are printing correctly ie: Line Amount Excl. VAT and Amount Inc. of VAT are same but in Customer Ledger Entries the Sales amount/original amount generates fully ie: including the GST amount hence not able to give the Invoice Print to the Customer since it's not included the GST Amount.
The issue should be fixed immediately as this is related to GST returns.
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team