There is a major issue when we try to render lookup fields as dropdowns using advanced form metadata. Let us say there are contact lookups. If contacts in an environment are more than 5000, we run into a platform issue as below:


Load an advanced form which is loading an account form tab at the backend. It has got couple of contact lookups primary contact and the billing contact. The contacts need to be filtered by corresponding account's contacts as well as parent account contacts which is not possible by out of box view. hence custom script was used to filter the contacts after rendering lookups as dropdowns via advanced form metadata.


If you load corresponding advanced form step in power apps portal, if you select a contact which is among the first 5000 contacts in alphabetical order (a-z), you will be able to press next button and proceed without any issues. But if the contact you selected in that lookup (rendered as drop-down) is beyond first 5000 contacts then you get a platform error and unable to proceed.

I had raised Microsoft ticket with number 2402210030000524, where I shared recording for the issue as well. Happy to be contacted at akshat.gode@brennanit.com.au for any queries related to the issue.

Also power-apps portal does not support out of box lookup filtering where 1: many relationships is involved, which is otherwise supported by dynamics.

We had to do workarounds in user journey to be able to accomplish above requirement and get clients agreement unfortunately because of given product behavior.

We want this product behavior fixed so that lookup filtering in power-apps portal can work seamlessly, without any issues.

Category: General