External access via ODATA and API is essential for modern BC solution. In SaaS environment we use several service-only users to great safe access to BC. Unfortunately it is not possible to see the WebKey of other users in the User Card. The code validates at this point if you have the same UserSecurityId than the current User Card records has. If not you only see star-characters. The code and the access to the methods and tables is restricted for SaaS, so even an extension is not possible here.

Please change the code, so it shows the WebKey of other users maybe estricted rfor SECURITY role members. Or show the WebKey in the admin center.
Category: General
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering the suggestion at this time due to the following reason: The web services key is being replaced by a modernized and more secure service to service (S2S) capability so we will not be investing in any changes to web services keys.

Business Central Team