When you need to prepare for month-end or the yearly audit, you often need to do a lot of reporting from the system. A quick way of doing this is, is by using the smart filtering options you have provided.
The challenge is the following: Each time you have created and save the desired filter of your page, you CANNOT print this showing/filter - you can only open this in Excel and when you export it to excel, you can actually edit/change the data and thereby manipulate the numbers. I have also tried with CTRL+P, but this just results in a blank page.
It would be very beneficial if you could add a "Print icon" making it possible to print these filtered pages, and not blanking them out, it would benefit a lot of customers and users of the system.
The challenge is the following: Each time you have created and save the desired filter of your page, you CANNOT print this showing/filter - you can only open this in Excel and when you export it to excel, you can actually edit/change the data and thereby manipulate the numbers. I have also tried with CTRL+P, but this just results in a blank page.
It would be very beneficial if you could add a "Print icon" making it possible to print these filtered pages, and not blanking them out, it would benefit a lot of customers and users of the system.
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