Please make the OnPrem Version deliver the same Telemetry Data (Fields, Events, Information, filling the same Tables in Application Insights) as the SaaS Version does.

I tried to create a set of Queries and Workbooks on an OnPrem Docker Container just to find out later that the SaaS Version is delivering Data different... and much more than the OnPrem Version when looking at the tables in Application Insights.
For example BrowserTimings and PageViews are missing.
Also depending on what version is sending data, it is logged in different tables in Application Insights:
OnPrem = dependencies, traces
SaaS = browserTimings, pageViews, traces

Having consistent behaviour between OnPrem and SaaS would make it much easier to get familiar with this new technology and make it possible to use your queries / workbooks for both environments.

I also had a Ticket open and got told that the Development Team is aware of it, but it is Cloud First, then OnPrem. And that posting an Idea here which hopefully gets some votes, might speed up the process to align both versions a bit. So this is what I try to do here :-)

Kind regards,

Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team