When email text from Outlook is copied into CRM email body field, it adds extra lines than expected. Only IE has the issue. Chrome and Firefox behaves fine.

CRM Build version : 7.0.0002.0053

Repro Steps:

1. Compose a new email in CRM web under any Activity. (eg. Sales --> Activity --> Email )
2. Copy paste multi lined text from an email in Outlook inbox.

Actual Result: You will see the text pasted but with additional lines between the texts. Not only this, if you paste again by pressing (Ctrl+V) you will get an error on debugging the page.

Expected Result: Do not add the additional lines. Also no errors while pasting for the third time.

Workaround : If you copy to Notepad and then copy the text from Notepad to Email body editor, it pastes fine with proper formatting and no error on successive paste operation.

In IE only this issue persists. No issue in Chrome or Firefox.

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