When you use a guide you can use gestures, voice or eye tracking to go back and forth between steps. When you finish a guide you look at/click/say Finish Guide. Then you get another prompt - which you have to click at in order to exit the guide.

So you go from using eyes or voice to being forced to use hands again. It would be nice to be able to actually go through a whole guide - including the confirmation promt - with eye or voice control.

Category: General



An update to this: The user cannot keep their hands to the side and still use this voice command. If the user's hand is hovering within the context frame so that the "Yes" button highlights a lighter color, they can say, "Yes" and then the button responds. However, if their hands are outside of the frame, they cannot look and say "Yes." This is similar to the behavior of opening Immersive Apps from the Start Menu: saying, "Play" only works for when the user's hand is within range of the hologram cube and the "Play" button is also displayed at the center of the cube. Otherwise, "Play" does not respond to their voice. In the case of already being immersed in the Dynamics 365 Guides application, "Yes (exit guide)" should respond regardless of hand location.

Category: General


I have also noticed this bug. When exiting a Guide, the Dialog Box does not respond to voice commands even though the documentation claims this is possible.P.S. My Guides application on my HoloLens 2 is updated to the latest version (801.2212.2001.0) and other voice commands within Guides are responding successfully.

Category: General