The default system behaviour when a Booking has an Estimated Travel Duration is that the total Booking duration is made up of the planned Work duration and the Estimated Travel Duration.
When the Resource travels to the customer after setting the Booking Status to Travelling, and then sets the Booking Status to In-progress, the Booking duration is being extended by the original estimated travel duration.
The End Time of the Booking is therefore changed to the planned End Time to be the End Time plus another section of Travel.
This can lead to a Booking showing over 2 days in the Agenda view in mobile which is confusing for technicians.
Idea - to change the standard behaviour is this situation to not add the estimated Travel duration to the overall Booking duration at the end of the initial Travel phase.
A setting option to allow existing behaviour may be beneficial for some, although it would be an easy localised customization to automatically add to the Booking Duration with the Initial Travel Duration when the Booking is set to In-Progress. To do the opposite with the existing setup is not so simple as estimated Travel duration gets set to 0 when the Booking is set to In-Progress. This is also strange as it prevents data reporting of estimated travel duration compared to actual travel duration.