In late crm 4, email address resolution behavior was changed. In earlier versions, if you had an e-mail address on multiple records (account, contact, lead, user), it would only resolve to one of them. This behavior was changed so that if there are multiple records with the same address, when an e-mail comes in with that address as a recipient, CRM will resolve to all of the records with that address, creating multiple activity parties.
Some implementations have duplicate email addresses by design, and this multiple resolution can cause problems in some situations, such as confusing users when they see 10+ recipient activity parties for the same address, and can cause emails to get linked to the wrong records.
Please add additional system settings to make CRM work better in these scenarios. Additional options that would be good:
Ability to turn off email address resolution
Ability to turn off email address resolution to inactive records
Ability to select (control) record types for email address resolution
option for Track None for incoming mail
I have come across several companies that create contact records for people who are also users. Typically this is because they want internal contact data to synch with their Outlook contacts and their mobile phones. The problem is that if you have email addresses on both contacts and users, appointments tracked by those users will disappear from their calendars and there will be email tracking issues.I think a good improvement would be to somehow allow user data to be synched with Outlook contacts—either allow local data synch rules for user records, or have some way to classify a contact as an internal contact and have the email and appointment synch process not conflict these addresses with user addresses.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
Nice it�s a great idea.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
Nice it�s a great idea.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
on an E-mail the From-field is resolved into only one (1) record. However I need to know all records with the same e-mail address so the user can pick the right one. In the end having 1 record makes sense for Reply and convert to Case. Related: the rule used bij CRM to resolve to 1 record is not clear, we've tested a lot of scenario's (eg the oldest record, latest with e-mail changed) but no consistent results. We've posted a support call at MS for this.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
on an E-mail the From-field is resolved into only one (1) record. However I need to know all records with the same e-mail address so the user can pick the right one. In the end having 1 record makes sense for Reply and convert to Case. Related: the rule used bij CRM to resolve to 1 record is not clear, we've tested a lot of scenario's (eg the oldest record, latest with e-mail changed) but no consistent results. We've posted a support call at MS for this.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
Thank you for your suggestion. We understand the issue and are looking into options. This functionality is being considered for the next major release of CRM. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
Thank you for your suggestion. We understand the issue and are looking into options. This functionality is being considered for the next major release of CRM. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
especially ignoring inactive records for email address resolution would be fine!
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
especially ignoring inactive records for email address resolution would be fine!
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
Thank you for your suggestion. We are considering this functionality for a future release of CRM. Regards, Hemant. This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Category: Microsoft Office Integration
Administrator on 11/23/2016 6:26:58 AM
Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in Fall 2016 release update 2.0 or SP2 for CRM 2016.
This is being delivered as a feature with our fall release. Expect it with update by 11/29 or by Dec hotfix update. There is an organization setting to turn off contact resolution for the whole org. If that is the case, user will have to manually resolve the email activity to a CRM record (when there are multiple records match the email address in CRM).