The "drag and drop-editor" is just a marketing term. It doen't work properly. Please buy or build an e-mail editor that can compete with other Marketing Automation tooling like Pardot, Marketo, Sharpspring or even ClickDimension.

Category: Email
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

We need some more details to understand your suggestion better. Can you please help us with more details on your ask?

We are adding more an more rich editing capabilities and the email editing experience in Dynamics 365 Marketing is very good. Please give it a try.






Has anyone found a way to usage an image map (image with multiple links embedded in it) in the new editor?

Category: Email


Looking at your editor preview: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365-release-plan/2021wave1/marketing/dynamics365-marketing/create-emails-quickly-low-effort-without-compromises

I cannot see any resources buttons for "attach a file" or "add to calendar" if its an event confirmation Email.

I really hope you do not neglect these 2 crucial Email components!

Category: Email


Ability to copy a complete section in stead of only the seperate items in it.

Category: Email


I just found another (mayor!) issue with D365 editor. They clean canvas is not responsive and not suitable for Outlook 2007-2016 and Windows 10 Mail.

All email editors in the world are builder their templates with . The reason for this is simple: Outlook 2007-2016 and Windows 10 Mail are the only email clients left that require tables as HTML structure with their Microsoft Word rendering engines. (Source: litmus.com)

You probably expect that Microsoft would build an editor that match good on their own platforms, but no. The editor doesn't use tables, and so the standard email editor is useless for the emailclients I mentioned above. Litmus tested this a while ago. The result of an email with divs only looks like this: https://litmus.com/builder/26d31bd

Well I hope this is a bug that will be fixed very soon. The pre-build templates of Microsoft does have tables. So it only counts if you design an e-mail with a clean canvas. But if you use a clean canvas, and build a new e-mail with the new editor....remember: you only create a nice looking mail for webbased e-mail clients (like Gmail, Oulook, Yahoo etc) and not suitable for all email clients. By the way.

Second: The clean canvas in combination with the editor is also a bad idea for responsive e-mails. You need to dive into the HTML editor to make the mail responsive for mobile and tablets.

Category: Email


Necesitamos más capacidad de personalización. Considero que la plataforma es complicada no facilita la experiencia. Debería servir ser dinámica y realmente ser fácil para alguien que no domine html .

Category: Email


Necesitamos más capacidad de personalización. Considero que la plataforma es complicada no facilita la experiencia. Debería servir ser dinámica y realmente ser fácil para alguien que no domine html .

Category: Email


The ability to drag and drop default or manually built content blocks into the email designer would be great. Why do we have to drag the column layout, image, and text and button sections manually each time we want to create content. All content blocks should be placeholders that are fully editable too.

Content blocks should be able to be dragged and dropped from the toolbox too! Not selecting a source via a dropdown - have the blocks (with a preview displayed when you hover over) and then you can just insert these into your email.

Category: Email


SMS is an exceptionally quick way to improve a business, truly placing your message into your endorsers' pockets or totes seconds after you send. The normal time for every single versatile transporter and text message marketing is the time from send to get. In any case, other showcasing techniques are likewise staggeringly quick, however, but nothing compares to the swiftness of SMS. http://textellent.com/

Category: Email


In addition to my general comment, overall I see on three levels space for improvement:

Level 1 - Building blocks and structure
- Ability to choose how many blocks a certain row can have
- Adjusting space between blocks (margin, border, background color)
- Create pre-defined blocks for helping less experienced Marketeers. + posibility to let customers add their own blocks to these pre-defined area. So common block can be used more often.

Creating most common pre-defined blocks:
- E-mail header
- Content 50/50
- Content 33/33/33
- Content 25/25/25/25
- Content full width
- Email footer

Level 2 - Adding and editing blocks

These most common blocks are used by marketeers:
- A custom HTML block (for experienced marketeers)
- Responsive IMG block
- Fixed IMG block
- CTA blocks
- Adjustable Content blocks*

*More info about Adjustable Content blocks
It would be nice to have adjustable content blocks with editable or 's within the blocks. This is useful to create beter content blocks. For instance a text block can be build up with three 's 1. A header, 2 paragraph text and 3 CTA button. But a content block can also build up by more 's e.g. 1 subheader, 2 header, 3 paragraph 4. CTA button. Despite of the needs of the marketeer he can add content to the blocks.

Level 3 - Overall styling options
- Adjusting text styles (p,h1,h2,h3 etc) - line-height, font-weight, font-size, text-decoration, font-family (font options: Google Font or a custom font & standard fonts: Arial, Helvetica etc.
- Adjusting CTA buttons (margin, padding, color, border, border radius)
- Adjusting the background, colors and border of blocks and body
- Option to hide a block on mobile (for more experienced users)

Category: Email


In addition to the above:
- Ability to add and format a table....without resorting to hand coding HTML.
- A true full screen editor, the instead of the shadow modal form.
- Better and more templates. Many are old and don't even render properly in the editor.
- Fix the bugs the editor has, often times have to refresh the screen to be able to drag and drop the Sections
- Support for attachments
- The Assist Editor is confusing and difficult to use
- Drag and drop social buttons/links

Category: Email

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