I thought this issue was a problem with the way we constructed our workflow. But I see it's a system problem that MS has decided it's not worth fixing?? See Issue # 789661 This has been happening since release 10.0.36 for us.
This is a big time waster for my AP users and me. I manually pull a report 3 times a week to find the workflows that failed because of this issue. Then AP has to go into the vendor invoice and the workflow and Resume them. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't and they have to recall and restart the workflows, which aggravates my approvers.
From Issue details on LCS: Microsoft has evaluated this request and will not be pursuing a fix for this issue as this will bring quite a lot of effort to fix it. In the meantime, it has a high risk of affecting the existing functions.
Before we spend the effort on fixing it, we'd like to gather more feedback and see how many customers have been impacted by this problem first.