n CRM whenever we create an appointment, we have the provision to the update the Required Attendees, Optional Attendees etc., When we synchronize the same with Outlook, this CRM Appointment gets copied to Outlook as an �Appointment�. As of now, the actual participants for the meeting have not been notified that a meeting has been scheduled. In this �Outlook Appointment�, you have to invite attendees to convert it to meeting request and then send it out. This is currently an overhead considering that the customer had marked the attendees in the CRM already. User has to manually do this activity.

There is a ISV implementation to handle this. But OOB this is not supported yet.

I create a meeting request identifying the participants and set the schedule. This information gets saved in the CRM. I have email router also configured to send out emails. But the appointment is not sent out as�a meeting request to the participants. Outlook provides an option to sync it, but it is still an "appointment" in outlook and not a "meeting request". I have to invite attendees to send this request out to participants. Would be great to have this information flown to outlook and send out a meeting request. Having the response statuses tracked in CRM would be a wonderful add on.




In many scenarios people may still prefer to use Outlook to create their meetings anyway, so they can actually check calendar availability of colleagues and resources, schedule them for an appropriate time, then send the request, and Track in CRM so it appears their also, under the appropriate parent record (via Set Regarding) and blocking out their time in their CRM calendar. The Outlook client already provides all of this plus a much richer environment for handling edits (eg if you drag and drop a meeting the user is prompted to send an update to participants or to put it back).

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Sorry for keep you waiting. Server-side sync now allows you to send an appointment (meeting invite) right from CRM. Server-side sync was first released in CRM 2013. Gordon Chang

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Sorry for keep you waiting. Server-side sync now allows you to send an appointment (meeting invite) right from CRM. Server-side sync was first released in CRM 2013. Gordon Chang

Category: Microsoft Office Integration