Accounts Payable Vendor Invoice workflow when assigned to a hierarchy allows only to start from workflow originator (person submitting the invoice) or the workflow owner.

Often, multiple authorised users approve purchase order earlier and if the quantity matching is achieved, the workflow to authorise any variance to price should allow the person who earlier approved the purchase order (or if their limit is not sufficient, their manager(s)).

When the AP clerk, normally a finance function, submits the workflow, it will only go to their manager and not to the person who raised the PO or the person who approved this.
This is not ideal and the workflow is not fully usable in its current form.
Requirement is to allow the workflow to start from the PO approver or PO originator
Ideas Administrator

The new PO participant in vendor invoice workflow will be introduced in version 10.0.38. Admin can set purchase order. Order or Requester to approve the invoice.



I would like to extend the idea, so it is possible also to start from the "Orderer" on the PO header or from the person selected on pendor vendor invoice as "Requested approver".Regards Sten

Category: Accounts Payable