Create a function for disassembly orders Production an Assembly types).
This would allow the users to create the order , consume the same item as the source and then output / adjust in or un-consume the components they choose to return to stock.
This could in theory be a worksheet / Journal that you would populate with the negative and positive adjustments.
An actual production order with a routing would be nice as labor could be reported against it.
This mod has been done or asked for by several customers in the past.
Category: Manufacturing
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



It's is not only tricky regarding on item costing, it is also tricky reagrding on what we are able to dissasemble.

let's take an hydraulic hose as an example.
If you assemble such a hose, there are hydraulic connectors pressed on each end of the hose.

If you try to disassemble the hose you may not reuse the connectors, because they can only assembled once. Depending on the length of the hose, you may cut off the connectors and reuse the bare hose, but if it was used with special fluids, you may throw away the whole hose.

So in most cases you may only fill a Item Journal with the hose as complete item as "Neagtive Adjustment" and the parts with "Positive Adjustment", and a person with knowledge, enters the reusable quantities in the parts lines.

Category: Manufacturing


I think there is certainly value in this solution for discrete manufacturing. Currently disassembly orders for retail already exists, I would think that this could be leveraged in more of a production manner. When disassembling, I'd think a cost+ type of approach would make sense for the disassembled raw materials. Original cost of raw materials + distributed share of any overhead from the original production that went into the FG we are disassembling (would require allocation be set for each item as already mentioned) + distributed share of any overhead from the disassembly (would seemingly be able to use the same allocation).

Category: Manufacturing


I completely support this suggestion.

However, I think it could be a bit tricky regarding item costing.
In a way, disassembly is like a production order with only one component but with multiple outputs. This scenario is very interesting... it would require to set the share of the costs for each output, wouldn't it?

Category: Manufacturing