All retailers track their inventory physically and financially by retail stores. Setting up general ledger in Dynamics 365, we mostly setup account structure with 'retail channel' financial dimension (we can call it profit center, responsibility center etc. if it is setup as custom financial dimension) and that financiail dimenion is assigend to Retail Channels in Retail and Commerce Module. Setting up retail store also requires assigning a warehouse that tracks inventory for that store. All sales transactions that flow from Point of Sale System uses financial dimensions defined on the retail store. Sales, cost of sales, discount etc. are all posted using retail channel financial dimension in GL. 

However, when purchase order is created or inventory is adjusted for that retail store usiing inventory journals, financial dimensions are updated manually on these transacitons at line level (purchase order, inventory journals). It is required since inventory is tracked financially at warehouse (store) level. It takes considerable amount of time for the users to manually update financial dimensions on purchase order or inventory journal lines.

Historically, we have done a customization and assigend financial dimension to the warehosue that are defauled over to purchase order lines when the warehouse is selected or inventory journal lines as we select the warehouse.

Just like financial dimensions are setup on Vendors, customers, retail channels and other master data entities in Dynamics 365, it will be great to have same financial dimension framework extended to warehouses. These dimensions would then be defaulted on all inventory transactions that uses warehouses.

Category: Cost Management
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.



Anders Even Girke

PM, Microsoft 



Hi administrator,Is there any update on the status of your review?

Category: Cost Management


Ability to link a FinDim to a warehouse (which in turn is linked to a retail store) is absolutely necessary.  A retail store can have a FinDim linked to it but only transactions from the POS will use this FinDim, so inventory adjustments via an RF do not post to that FinDim.
If you have 200+ stores, setting up a site per store creates unnecessary headaches, especially when using standard cost with thousands of items with costs changing on a quarterly basis.
Of course we can make a square peg fit in a round hole, but we should be able to just put a round peg in the round hole.

Category: Cost Management


Agree, customers need this option. We also have done a customization for finance dimension derived from warehouse.

Category: Cost Management


I agree that site is sufficient, what is maybe missing here is simple setup of retails store addresses in one place that auto-populates to site and retail customer.
You can still setup trade agreements without using site if you untick that option. Don't have an issue with inventory costing separately per store, especially in a franchise situation.

Category: Cost Management


Zeeshan Haider - in order for a dimension link to have any meaning, you would need to enable warehouse as financial inventory dimension, giving you a cost by warehouse anyway. Otherwise, you would just be polluting your GL with postings that are correct only if you sum them up to site level anyway.
If settings are required per site (I don't remember there being many and we use retail with 1 store = 1 site) it would probably be best to fix those to allow default/per site setup. In this case, you would have an option to _override_ settings per site if needed, but not maintain values per site if you don't need them (as I recall, this is the case with the majority of settings).

Category: Cost Management


We support this. The "dimension link" is a rather static setup coming from some former AX version which should be replaced by s standard financial dimension setup form as used everywhere else in the system.
Possible solution:
- Enable financial dimension value preset on SITE and WAREHOUSE level
- Either use a parameter or fallback logic for picking the values from site or warehouse master setup (if "Warehouse" has no values, using them from "Site")

Category: Cost Management


Agree, we need this. Creating separate sites for each store should only be done when there are other big reasons to have to do that (eg maintain order defaults by store). 

Category: Cost Management


We bring an asset for this but it is still customisation on ever customer system

Category: Cost Management


Also consider voting on the request on the ability to default more than one dimension

Category: Cost Management


while in many cases sites are sufficient for the needs, the retail operation is not one of those areas. I think this is a great idea

Category: Cost Management

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