We suggest to enable the search on the messageid field using Get eMails (v3) PowerAutomate action.

Searchable properties are – attachment, bcc, body, cc, from, has Attachment, importance, kind, participants, received, recipients, sent, size, subject, to

(Use the $search query parameter in Microsoft Graph - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn)

When an eMail is tracked, the value on Message-ID from Outlook eMail Properties (or internetMessageId from PowerAutomate Get eMail (v2) action) is copied to messageid on eMail Message (DV).

The problem is that there's no possibility to create an RPA on Dynamics 365 Sales to forward an eMail automatically from Sales because we cannot Get eMails using Message-ID.

We suggest to enable the search on the messageid field using Get eMails (v3) PowerAutomate action.

Actual Integration between Sales App and Outlook App limits the creation of RPAs due to this feature and our customers have complained.
