At the moment, for EVERY Form we created, we have to manutally create 2 workflows to notify staff that a form has been submitted. This is CRAZY! ClickDimensions has had, for years, an 'Actions' tab that asks you what should happen when a form is submitted, ie, 'Email X staff members', 'Send an Email to the person who submitted the form'; etc, etc.
This isn't rocket-science, and it's a MAJOR oversight on Microsoft's behalf. Users shouldn't have to create Workflows, Customer Journeys, and/or anything to simply get notified when someone submits a form! It's a given that the person running a campaign wants to know if someone has signed up for something, submitted a form, whatever. The Form's Task Pane should have 3 tabs, like, ClickDimensions:


The Actions tab should have different options for what has to happen when a Form is submitted: Email the Owner of the Record; Email the Owner of the Form; Email the person who submitted the form to thank them; etc, etc, etc.