Current situation:
At the POS in the SCA during the checkout there is a step called "Do you want to email the receipt?"".
In this step you need to enter your email address and there is also a boolean field that must be switched from “off” (default) to “on” to activate the "receipt per email" function.
However, there are two additional buttons in the step: “Send” and “Don't send”.
Both buttons are active and clickable, regardless of whether the Boolean field is set to “Off” or “On”.
Possible outcomes are:
- Boolean "Off" + "Send" = no email receipt is sent
- Boolean "On" + "Send" = email receipt is sent
- Boolean "Off" + "Don't send" = no email receipt is sent
- Boolean "On" + "Don't send" = no email receipt is sent
One step is redundant here.
Remove boolean field.
Leave the “Send” button inactive as long as no valid email address has been entered.
If a valid email address has been entered then the “Send” button can also be clicked.
A format validation is sufficient to validate the email address - anything@something.TLD