Feature request : Add a reference data related to the Location of the end user/customer to apply related carbon intensity


Problem: When you sell product/services, the category 11 – use of sold products needs to calculate emissions based on the grid intensity of the product and services. The Grid intensity of the end user could vary

-         Country/location of usage is often possible for B2C product & services. Eg: mobile phone, laptop, electric car, setTop box

-         For B2B, customer account may be relevant. Eg: train, cables, servers…



-         Create a new reference data : Location of Usage

-         Add a reference column to "Location of Usage" in the Activity data “use of sold product”

-         Enable emission factor mapping “reference data” with "Location of Usage"



Calculation model for Use of sold product with this design would be:

-         Ingest activity data with Location of Usage

-         If Quantity is from Energy Unit Group

o  If yes : Apply an emission factor based on Location of Usage (and exist, Factor contingency feature)

o  If no : Apply an estimation factor to convert Quantity of product to Energy Consumption, then, apply an emission factor to calculate emission based on Location of Usage

Under Review