Modular Pricing
Can you provide modular (cheaper pricing) for SMCs who are just taking the first step in the sustainability reporting journey.
Potentially giving the possibility to start off with a singular Scope for reporting and maybe even create the "Scorecards" feature as a separate addon...
Enable Microsoft Sustainability Manager to support Korean Language
Request to enable Microsoft Sustainability Manager to support Korean Language. This would be valuable to large companies in Korea that are preparing to start disclosing ESG information.
Support for NGER and NPI Australian regulatory reporting framework
MSM should support NGER and NPI Australian regulatory reporting framework out of the box.
Allow views to be customizable
Many customers have requested that views be customizable. For example, they do not want to use the default Reference Data view. They would like to be able to filter out some of the Reference Data sources while still retaining the default column set of the view.
Multi-tenant architecture (application/data) for Sustainability Manager
For Sustainability as a Service scenario – highly relevant for a mostly SMC countries – a multi-tenant architecture (application/data) and API functionalities for sustainability manager would be beneficial to enable our partners to reach their customer base wi...
What-if Analysis
Enable ability to run what if analysis or to model what emissions might look like with each different decision options.
CDP connector
The ability to take information from sustainability manager and import it into CDP so that you do not have to do reporting twice - or vice versa.
For context - CDP has its own reporting templates and ways of gathering information to produce SBTI calculations so this duplicates effort oth...
Enable Microsoft Sustainability Manager to support Thai Language
Request to enable Microsoft Sustainability Manager to support Thai Language
Include Emission Factor Libraries for Sweden
Include emission libraries that are aligned with Swedish reporting standards out of the box.
Naturvårdsverket (Swedish EPA) have guidance and Excel files with emission factors for many areas.