The legacy web interface

If a real-time, on-demand workflow is run on multiple occurrences, the workflows are executed on one occurrence at a time. From Community (Henry Jammes), I got a detailed explanation that each request is independent of each other, and the following occurrence is only processed once the previous one has been completed. So, real-time also means that requests are executed in order.

The Unified Interface

If this same workflow is run on multiple occurrences on the Unified Interface, it seems that it is executed to each selected occurrence at the same time. From Community, I got a detailed explanation that all requests are made within the same "package", and thus they do not execute in sequence.

More details on the challenge is here:


Needs Votes



I did a few quick tests today, and it appears that this problem doesn't exist anymore. We're going to lead a few more tests, and I'll let you know if it is okay now.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


When executed in batch in the Unified Interface, the workflows might be executed in parallel and not in sequence, like in the legacy web client.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance