
These days many company uses shared mailbox for their team specially customer service. But Outlook Integration does not work with shared mailbox. Can you please make it possible that BC Outlook Integration works with shared mailbox?

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



This is very much needed.

Category: Office Integration


We need this in our work lives!

Category: Office Integration


Hi,We also need this functionality.It seems daft to recommend configuring use of Shared Mailboxes to email from BC and then not allow the feature to work with that shared mailbox.Really hope it gets added soon.

Category: Office Integration


Practically speaking, most companies utilise shared mailboxes to receive incoming documents (AP invoices/ sales orders etc) whereas the personal email is the one linked to the Microsoft account and is often used for internal communication. Not having the ability to utilise the Outlook integration for these high volume 'shared' areas is a real shame and means that one of the core features of BC and main selling points is unable to be used. Microsoft really need to consider a fix for this.

Category: Office Integration


I think it is critical to have our shared work inbox have the Dynamics integration functional, as it defeats the purpose of Dynamics to track all of our incoming tickets if we have to copy and paste the content in.

Category: Office Integration


We would love a solution for this. Our current workaround is to forward the email to a personal inbox and that user tracks the email, which works, but is not ideal.

Category: Office Integration


We utilize a shared box and invoice processing automation. Having BC linked to the shared email box we consider a critical feature.

Category: Office Integration


Also for us to be able to track customer related mails in shared mailboxes we desperately need this feature.Many thanks for the recommendation.

Category: Office Integration


Hi We are also addressing this gap in our company with the integration of salesforce. The add-in available in the mailbox is great for the communication that we receive live in our private box. But for people who work in departments with a sharedbox, they are dependent on this lack. The solution proposed is to forward the email to a private box to be able to use this fantastic add-in. But it generates a huge traffic in terms of GB because the documents are important and the methodology is a bit tricky.We hope that you take into account this need and plan a deployment of this add-in that will make office 365 even more attractive to use. Sincerely

Category: Office Integration


Thank you for recommending this. I am in desperate need of such a solution as well. Our Sales Solution Center is asking me for this just about every other week.

Category: Office Integration