Current functionality for entering work hours does not provide for recurrence patterns that are not weekly. Other patterns exist in many industries that do not repeat on a 7-day basis. for Instance: * 4 days on, 6 days off * alternating weeks (week 1 M-T-W and week 2 R-F-Sa-Su) * M-F 9am-5pm every week with additional 1 Saturday per month

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Hi Ron, Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


Vinay Nalam,

PM, Microsoft.



Since it is not available, and not on the roadmap - how would this be achieved? Or is Microsoft thinking that customers with this need should not use FS / URS?

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling