Customer raised SR : 2411040040014054 that the tables are enabled from Synapse Link Export Process, after some time they are activated, but customer noticed that the tables got reactivated again due to which they have to load full exported data again into their system because change feed not showing up those changes. Customer are missing data into their data ingestions process, which is crucial.

-Customer noticed that in all env where they have to disable and then enable tables from Synapse Link Export Interface to get the missing data.

-Following 2 tables as an example:



-Issue lastly occurred on:

hcmpositionworkerassignment table in dev env, Customer re-activated it on 23-Oct-2024 around 17:00 Hours UK Time.

Because customer found some missing rows in it, after re-activation missing rows are coming in.


Customers want to know how do they get notified of any such re-activations? Notified for re-activation of any specific table so that customer can perform a full data load.

Category: Data Management