Enabling ADAL and Newtonsoft libraries in the server side code. At the moment none of the ADAL and Newtonsoft library codes are available when we write plugins and work with Json. Almost in all projects developers need to perform Azure communication or Json parsing.

It would be awesome to include these libraries in the server side code so we don't write long code for Azure communication and Json parsing. It will boost developers performance big time.
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Notice you can use ILRepack to merge whatever assemblies into your plugin assemblies. Microsoft does not officially support this, though I think they SHOULD, because there's no way anyone's going to build rich functionality without being able to leverage the .NET ecosystem, making plugins practically useless. Also notice we are running huge production workloads with highly complex business logic based entirely in plugins, using our Lexim.Xrm library, which of course needs to be merged in the final plugin DLLs to be able to run.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance